CC Hartly

Adult Romantasy Author

I’m proudly Canadian and have been known to say ‘eh’ from time to time. I’ve always had an insatiable hunger for knowledge, ultimately leading me to be the first in my family to attend university.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Management Degree with honors, and after, I sailed (okay, flew) to Sweden, where I completed a master’s degree in international marketing.

I lived the corporate life and climbed the ladder for over a decade until inspiration struck! (more on that below)

Fast forward to signing a three-book deal with my amazing publisher: Aethon Books.

Heir of Stardust and Secrets is the first book in the five-book Mythic Spark series; launching November 12, 2024.



The Beginning of Something Magical

I grew up in an era where imagination trumped technology. We played Kick-the-Can, Grounders, good old-fashioned cards, and popped the springs to our trampoline more times than I can count. But most importantly, we played make-believe.

Water became potions, forts concealed secret passages, and the shadowed trees veiled the daemons waiting patiently for us to brave the darkness—which we always did.

Then one day we unwittingly slayed our last dragon and stepped into the real world where imagination gave way to pragmatism.

Luckily, I found my way back.

Twenty years ago, I had a clear and uncompromising thought: I would become a published author. It wasn’t a fleeting idea; it was a certainty that etched itself into my very being. I had no idea what I would write, what genre it would be, when it would happen, or how—I just knew it would.

As life’s twists and turns played out, I occasionally paused to listen for that calling. Each time, the answer whispered back: not yet.

Then, on a crisp November afternoon, the details were finally elucidated.

As if Nyleeria’s story had been held back by a dam until it could no longer be contained, her tale flooded through me with no regard to anything else in my life. Eighty-three days and 137,445 words later, the first draft of that unnamed manuscript was complete—followed by the next two books in the series.

For me, writing is a deliciously magical experience that I can truly claim is my greatest joy in life.

As I ponder my craft, I now understand that the dreamings of a child, combined with the hardships of that magic-less time in my life, were the perfect formula to create deep, multifaceted characters that we can see ourselves in, and a magical world that enchants us—sating that childhood wonder within.

So, what’s next? That’s a great question, my fellow fantasy lover. How about we find out together? I have a feeling that Nyleeria’s story, and mine, have only just begun, and I couldn’t be more excited to have you on this journey with us!

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Enjoy a free sneak peek into this Years’s most anticipated Romantasy book

Enjoy a free sneak peek into this year's most anticipated Romantasy


Coming Nov 12, 2024

In Editing

1st Draft Complete

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Mythic Spark

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